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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Burn Twice The Calories Doing Your Cardio Workout

It’s not secret that if you want to burn body fat than it’s necessary to burn more calories than you’re taking in, that comes from the food you eat and the workouts you do. Of all the forms of cardio, which is the most efficient at burning fat and calories? There is a clear winner.

First things to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t rely on aerobic workouts (cardio) to give all the results you want. . Strength training is so important when it comes to increasing your metabolism, toning your muscles and helping to give amazing results the fastest… but a cardiovascular workout is important too!

What do you think the most common form of cardio is? Running of course! But aside from the treadmill you have options: ellipticals, row machine, stair master and swimming. But there is one you probably haven’t thought to put in your workout, and it burns twice the calories!

Jumping Rope .

Using a jump rope isn’t just for boxers and grade school kids, and depending on the intensity that you jump and your weight, you have the potential to burn 200 calories in just 10 minutes. That is twice the calories than running.

Intervals are ideal for jump roping because it burns even more calories and allows you to go for a great time . To do intervals, you should spend 30-60 second jumping as quickly as you can then rest for a minute or two to bring down your heart rate… then repeat the interval. Keep the cycle going for 20-25 minutes and by time you’re done you will see a huge difference in this and the normal running workout. With intervals you will also burn more calories than you thought possible and those calories are focused on fat burning to see bigger results.

Active rest is another way to use your jump rope. Rather than sit down between sets when you’re resting, grab the jump rope. You’re muscles are still given the chance to recover a bit during the rest but you’re keeping your heart rate up and you will see amazing results.

This is the ultimate fat burning workout. and you will know exactly what I mean the second you give jump roping a try.

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