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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The importance of walking

Walking is an excellent stress reliever. Walking allows you to step outside your daily routine. As you venture on foot outdoors, you are drawn away from the regular everyday scene of the household or office. You will be able to take in the sights and sounds of the outdoors, getting away from the kitchen, phone, computer, etc.. Knowing that you is not being watched by a supervisor, coworkers, or family members, you are free to do whatever you please.

Walking forces you to step outside the daily routine. As long as you’re outdoors, you cannot see the workplace equipment or machinery, nor hear the voices of family members or those you work with. You are also away from things that need to be done, at least for the duration of your walk. You won’t have to worry about things. This will allow you to relax more and even tempt you to take in what’s going on around them.

Even more ways walking relieves stress as listed are as follows:
Allows the walkers to breathe in fresh air rather than stale indoor air.
Helps those who tense up their muscles under stress unknot them and relax.
Reconnect with yourself while getting your body in motion.
Get some physical distance between you and your stressors.
If you walk with a partner, gives you the chance to talk freely and laugh, or vent over your stress.
Burn those calories from eating via stress.

Endorphins released by walking

In addition to relieving stress, walking enables one’s body to release endorphins, or so called “happy drugs.” Physicians commonly recommend walking as not only an exercise, but as a natural treatment to cope with depression. Stress or depression can be seen in mood disorders. By exercising and releasing endorphins, you can do what prescription drugs and herbs do artificially.

A 1999 study in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed that college students who walked or did moderate exercise were less stressed than couch potatoes or those who exercised vigorously.

Walking together

Walking together with a partner is a gret way to share thoughts. Walking partners can talk privately about issues in their lives. A couple can even elaborate on their thoughts knowing they are not likely to be interrupted by events requiring their sudden attention. Deep conversations can lead to enhanced friendships. The happier they make each other, the more stress that is released. Slip on your favorite walking shoes and head outside - I’m sure you’ll come back refreshed and less stressed.

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